/ 7-Eleven delivery live!

Convenience just got even convenient-er. 7-Eleven Delivery is a complete gamechanger, and that’s news worth spreading around town.
the ask
In 2021, to compete with the trendy delivery giant GoPuff on their home turf, Dallas-based 7-Eleven wanted to launch an aggressive awareness campaign for 7-Eleven Delivery, with the hopes of increasing usage of the service to take back Dallas.

the approach
7-Eleven Delivery offers convenience anytime, anywhere. So we brought the living room ordering experience to hotspots all over Dallas with live orders from our 7-Eleven Delivery Live! truck. From Klyde Warren Park to the State Fair of Texas, we invited crowds to lounge on our couch, play some games, and see just how easy it is to order with 7-Eleven Delivery. We even got local influencers in on the fun to drive awareness of our events and host the experience.

the results
- Almost 500,000 impressions
- Over 17,000 engagements
- Increased Dallas market’s awareness of 7-Eleven Delivery +34% (nearly quadrupling forecasted growth of +9%)