/ chicharronnation

Food has a way of connecting the memories of the past to the joys of the present, with recipes passed down for generations. And with 50 years of serving up delicious pork rinds, Baken-Ets is still showing these snacks have some tricks up their sleeves to add some extra flavor to favorite local dishes across the country.

the ask
With general pork rind consumers unaware of Baken-Ets, Frito-Lay was looking for a retail campaign to drive awareness and purchase by showcasing the brand’s unbeatable taste and crunch with a campaign that resonates strongly with Hispanic consumers while still having mainstream appeal.

our approach
To capture the taste and expand the use of Baken-Ets, we virtually toured the country with the ChicharronNation food truck to show how adding Baken-Ets to the recipe can make any local favorite dish exciting and new. We even asked fans to get in on the fun, offering up their favorite chicharron recipes for a chance to win a year’s supply of Baken-Ets.

the results
- 43,432 submissions
- 30 winners (A Year’s Supply of Baken-Ets)
- 3,123,432 unique impressions
- 35,747 unique activations
- 3450 unique clicks