/ crunch your luck

Crunching into delicious Frito-Lay chips always feels like a lucky break. Double-down on that lucky feeling with the opportunity for a big cash payout though and suddenly you have a snackpot worth savoring!

the ask
Frito-Lay sought out a disruptive idea to execute at convenience stores that would push their single-serve portfolio and entice Millennial and Gen-Z consumers for impulse and repeat purchases of their favorite snacks.

our approach
With lottery being a massive trip driver that also fuels impulse buys in small format channels, the idea of winning cash prizes for on-the-go snacks became the catalyst for the Crunch Your Luck program. After purchasing specially marked chip bags across 18 different SKUs, shoppers simply scanned their bags after purchase to enter for a chance to win $20 hourly payouts or $20,000 weekly jackpots on our microsite. Winners were cashed out instantly on their Venmo or PayPal accounts. Cha-ching!

the results
- 2.4 million microsite visitors
- 364,231 entries
- 972 $20 instant winners
- 6 $20,000 jackpot winners